Halloween is over… you know what that means!

Thats right people, as of November 1st it is officially acceptable (according to me and anyone else obsessed with the holiday season) to start listening to Christmas music! My beliefs have been officially confirmed by the fact that Kinder has officially released their Christmas products for sale in the grocery stores.

Santa has never looked so good

For those not in the know, Kinder is a chocolate company in Europe that is da bomb. All their chocolate is amazing, and I don’t even like chocolate. That good.  Also another sign from the heavens that it is completely socially acceptable to listen to holiday music is that not only did Justin Bieber release an album on Nov. 1, but Michael Buble did too. Call me crazy or weird or schwatevz, I don’t care because I’ve been listening to both on repeat. And it is awesome.

Anyways break is over starting tomorrow. I’m pretty happy about that since I need some direction in my life. However, I don’t work on Fridays so I just have to work for 3 hours tomorrow afternoon and then I am free. Did I ever mention that my job is awesome? WOOP WOOP.

The end of my break was supa fun. I went to Marseille for a few days with Stephanie and Mika. Everyone in town kept telling us that we were for SURE going to get mugged/robbed/murdered while in Marseille because I guess its kind of dangerous. But then again, pretty much any other city in the world is more dangerous than Nyons haha except for maybe Mayberry. Anyways, since I’m a little bit of a crazy person, I felt the need to knit myself a money belt for my credit card and ca$h money.

Don't even think about tryna steal my moniez! I have these bad boiz

Don’t pretend like you don’t wish you had a sweet money belt that was custom made by me! Actually if anyone wants one I’ll knit you one for 5 euros/dollars. Ok enough with the shameless self promotion… It worked out pretty awesome aside from the fact that it made me look like I was pregnant in most of my pictures. Case in point, me with the Barbapapa section I found in a store:

Is that a Barbapapa under my shirt or just an awesome money belt?????

So needless to say I looked a little funky in all my pictures because of my super nifty money belt. However I don’t know anyone who has made themselves a money belt before so I still think its awesome. Zing.

Marseille itself was really cool. I really liked it. It was very beautiful and had some really awesome restaurants. We met some other assistants staying at the hostel we were at so it was fun to hang out with them. All in all I think it was a good trip!

I'm on a boat and its going fast and I got a nautical themed pashmina afghan

At any minute "Eye of the Tiger" is going to start playing...

I had my toez in the water, but I did not have my a$$ in the sand as Zac Brown band would say haha

Also in Marseille I’d like to point out that I found something so elusive and rare in France that I had to make it a Kodak moment. Can you guess what it is? I’ll give you a hint, it is rarer than a unicorn…


If you guessed an old man with a mullet you are my new favorite person! Definitely one of my most favorite pictures from France ever. Thank you French Mullet-Man for absolutely making my day everytime I look at this!!

Well thats about it round these parts… I’ll do a food blog this weekend 🙂

